“If you’re like me you don’t know that much about hypnosis from online hypnosis websites and hypnotists. Then join me in a journey to explore this fascinating topic. To start, in the video below, Mark Tyrrell, co-founder of the online Hypnosis Downloads.com and Creative Director of Uncommon Knowledge, explains hypnosis from his perspective.
Video about online hypnosis and hypnotists – watch now
He describes hypnosis as the optimum learning tool, as it changes your insticts. We all have seen those people who simply don’t want to overeat; who walk up and give a speech without breaking out in hives; who just don’t want a cigarette; who easily deal with people with confidence. They are not trying hard to do these things – it just happens. To become the same, we need to change our instints, our gut feelings. It seems to me that online hypnosis cd’s, mp3’s, tapes and dvd’s can be a great help in this.