So – you want to stop jaw clenching and teeth clenching now because: you are tired of the jaw clenching that causes a sore jaw each morning; the tooth grinding is causing damage to your teeth; or simply because your sleeping partner complains about the sounds you make every night.
Study concludes that hypnosis to stop teeth grinding can create quick, enduring changes
Research has shown that hypnosis can help teeth clenching and grinding. For example, a study by the Monroe Mental Health Center, Inc., in Norfolk, NE, describes a 63 year-old women with a 60-year history of tooth grinding (also called bruxism), who was treated with hypnosis for bruxism. After hypnosis, not only did the teeth clenching and grinding stop, but evaluations demonstrated that she continued to stop teeth grinding – even after a 5 year follow-up.
Source: Pub Med: Understanding Change: five-year follow-up of brief hypnotic treatment for chronic bruxism.
Stop jaw clenching and teeth clenching and grinding – with online hypnosis
Could you stop teeth grinding with hypnosis? It seems easier than putting things in your mouth at night, or attaching machines to you! And, online hypnosis is a cheaper approach than customized mouth guards and feedback machines. .
Download an online hypnosis tooth grinding session:
The following online hypnosis session is around $10, is backed by reputable, ethical, knowledgeable people, and has 100% money-back guarantee. So – you have nothing to lose – and everything to gain (like your teeth)!
Download online hypnosis: “Stop teeth clenching and grinding”